Product Filing Matrix

Business Need

The LDI Product Filing Matrix is a web application that enables insurers to search for filing requirements and legal references required to generate a statement of compliance. The LDI wanted to update their existing Product Filing Matrix application using the latest technologies to better assist insurers with their insurance product filing process. Other required features included a database-driven FAQ section, an interactive fee wizard, a responsive design for working on mobile devices, and a more organized and comprehensive online help system.

Our Approach

Tri-Core conducted interviews with key project stakeholders, including insurance industry stakeholders, to analyze the requirements for the new application. Due to the complexities of the existing system and substantial amount of information involved, a 2 comprehensive project plan and schedule were developed to reduce overall project risk. Key to project success was creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Following analysis, agile processes were used to develop the entirely new PFM system.

Key Features

Greatly improved system performance and an overall better user experience. A reengineered and responsive user interface, accessible from any device, with a reduced numbers of screens, greatly improved information presentation, context-sensitive user help, system FAQs, and a completely new fee wizard.


MVC 5, Entity Framework 6, Unsemantic CSS, Telerik Kendo UI

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